So Why "Watson Wanders"?

The best advice I have ever received was “See the world while you’re young. When you’re older you’ll find more reasons not to.” I took those words to heart, and have used them as fuel for my passion to explore. Over the last several years, I have worked hard and saved money in order to travel. I have held countless jobs --  from mail rooms, to nurseries, to bars (aka grown up nurseries) -- and every hour has gotten me one step closer to my next adventure. As a result, since high school I have self-funded trips to six continents, twenty-five countries, and countless cities.

But, I didn’t want to just see the world -- I wanted to experience it and inspire others to do the same. I believe that traveling, meeting people from backgrounds different from my own, and immersing myself in a variety of cultures has been the cornerstone of my education. These experiences have shaped my understanding of the world, and given me a deep appreciation for its people. In order to share my experiences, I have created Watson Wanders! The site includes safety and general tips, recommendations for activities and foods to try, and transportation information for every city I have explored to date. Please take a look, and send me any feedback you may have.

I hope that people will use this site, and me, as a resource for planning adventures. Please take a look, give me your feedback, and contact me for advice on your next trip!